Mission & Vision
South Broward Montessori Charter School aims to facilitate a well-rounded, comprehensive curriculum, utilizing the Montessori Methodology and Philosophy.
The Montessori Methodology and Philosophy
We affirm the aspirations of the national early childhood curriculum, for children to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.
The fundamental principles of Montessori education are respect for the child; promoting independence and encouraging a love of learning.
We promote respect for oneself, one another, and the environment.
Independence is encouraged, enabling children to take responsibility for their own learning.
We offer children freedom of choice within a supportive, structured setting.
The carefully prepared environment empowers children to learn using all of their senses while engaging in real, purposeful, and meaningful activities, inside and outside.
Montessori education helps children to observe, think, and evaluate.
Positive attitudes of tolerance, understanding, persistence, concentration, and a love of learning are nurtured.
Together children, families, caregivers, and teachers are committed to sharing knowledge.
Warm, reciprocal relationships are fostered with families and the community.
Teachers are committed to supporting children and responding to the interests, strengths, and capabilities of all the diverse groups of children who attend South Broward Montessori and supporting them to achieve success.
Teachers are committed to ongoing professional development.
Our Vision
Our vision is a community where children are respected, valued, and loved so they can grow, through their learning, into independent and knowledgeable adults who will contribute positively to our society.
Our Mission
Our goal is to instill a sense of wonder about the universe and the child’s place within it. We strive to implement an individualized child-centered curriculum that includes movement, manipulation, and discovery within a multi-aged classroom. Our classrooms extend into the community, creating a web of exchange among community members, families, and teachers.
Our Values
Quality – Our focus is on the people we work for (the children, their families and funding providers, and the community) and we will strive for excellence through evaluation and continuous improvement.
Caring – We are committed to performing our work with sensitivity and kindness.
Integrity – We are committed to acting in an ethical, honest manner.
Respect – We believe that all people should be treated with consideration and dignity. We cherish diversity.
Responsiveness – We strive to be accessible, flexible, transparent, and to demonstrate a sense of urgency in our resolve and decision-making.
Accountability – We are committed to measuring, achieving, and reporting results, and using funding dollars wisely.
Teamwork – We are committed to effective partnerships between staff, committee members, and the parent community.
Our Goals and Objectives
In order to achieve the vision, four key goals have been identified.
To provide quality Montessori education for the children.
To ensure South Broward Montessori is a desirable place to work.
To ensure the long-term sustainability of South Broward Montessori.
To ensure South Broward is responsive to the changing needs of parents and the community.