What is a Parent Liaison?
A Parent Liaison is an LCPS staff member (not a volunteer) who works to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success. As a parent, you have a private link, connection, and bridge to your child’s school.
A LIAISON is the contact person who initiates a close connection/relationship and maintains that communication/link between two parties in order to ensure concerted action and cooperation toward agreed-upon goals on both sides.
Your Parent Liaison can connect you to important information
Contacting Teachers and Counselors
School Dress Code
Absentee Calls
Kindergarten Registration
Special Education
Summer School Tutoring
The American School System
School Expectations
Graduation Requirements
FSA Testing
Your Parent Liaison can connect you to available resources/help
School Supplies
Public Library Use
Athletic Programs
Medical Assistance/Glasses
After School Programs
Your Parent Liaison can help you make a comfortable connection with the school
Back to School Nights
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Get Help from Interpreters
PTA Members
Your Parent Liaison can connect you to support in crisis situations (emotional, physical, and academic)
Substance and Physical Abuse
Family Deaths
At-Risk of Failing
How can I contact the Parent Liaison at my school?
Call the School at 954-251-1443.
E-mail me at lmoreno@sbmontessoricharter.com