Welcome to SBMCS!
South Broward Montessori Charter School provides a warm, welcoming community where learning is fun, and parents are valuable partners in the education of our students.
Our curriculum and practices are based on the Montessori philosophy. We view the child as an individual with unique abilities and needs. We provide an environment for students to create and be themselves through purposeful work. Students have the freedom to choose activities that interest them, work individually or with peers, and are taught conflict-resolution skills. Our teachers are effective observers of children and facilitators of learning. Our parents are an integral part of our community and reflect the spirit of Montessori in their daily lives. We are an authentic Montessori community!
It is our hope that the education we offer will provide the understanding and knowledge to transform the student, community, and the world!
03/17- 3/20 DR Seuss Week
03/21 Employee planning
03/24- 03-31 Spring break
School Hours___________
Monday - Friday
7:45 AM - 3:15 PM
Early Release11:45 AM
Office Hours
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Telephone Assistance)
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (In-Person Assistance)

YEARBOOK 2023-2024
Use the following link to buy your yearbook!
Yearbooks are a great way to celebrate student’s milestones and reflect on the person they have become.
What's a charter school?
Misconceptions, rumors, and exaggerations abound.
Here’s the real story about charter schools, and why you might want to consider one for your child.
South broward
charter school
Our school was acknowledged by Governor Scott for our achievements and growth in our community!
Parent Liaison
Have a question or
need a consultation?
Contact Ms. Olmary!
Our parent liaison will answer your questions or concerns.
Click Below for Our Parent & Family Engagement and Our School Wide Plans: